Low Cost Auto Insurance Quote - Yours For the Asking

Monday, 13 June 2016

Money in your pocket = a low cost auto insurance quote. Now I know that a lower auto insurance rate isn't a cure-all for budget problems but in this economy of rising prices, with the cost of gas going out of sight every thing you can do to cut cost puts extra money in your pocket. That's something everyone likes.
No Matter what you do with the substantial savings it's going to be fun. Any time you receive money that's not in the budget it is shouting time. So what will you do with the money you're going to save?
I hear you asking just how the heck do I get this lowest cost car insurance? Well it's really not that hard but with all the different people and web sites out there competing for your business it gets confusing. So the first thing I want to do is expose some myths about car insurance quotes.
Auto Insurance Quote Myth #1
Online car insurance quote sites are quick but the problem is it's impossible to get a cheap car insurance quote from them. They can't afford to put a low rate in their data base because if they did some hacker would figure out how to get the lowest rate every time and would be offering the secret on the web in a matter of minutes.
The fact that needs to be remembered is that online car insurance quote sites are fast but expensive and the purpose of this article is to help you get a low rate car insurance quote.
Auto Insurance Quote Myth #2
If I contact each agent I'll get a better rate. Well on this one you're all most there but far enough away that you wouldn't get the lowest quote. You see a lot of well meaning and conscientious vehicle owners start this process but end up paying way too much and here's why.
Almost every one who calls on the phone or walks into an car insurance agent's office says they are shopping around getting quotes for their car insurance. The problem being the agents know that doing this is a big pain. The person they want to talk to is usually not at their desk, is busy with someone else or just plain not available.
You end up playing phone tag which leads to frustration and accomplishes nothing. You've spent all this time trying to get a quote and you end up accomplishing nothing except frustration.
You see the agents know this so even if you get to them for a quote they will give you the regular every day quote because they know that 95% of the people trying this method of getting that low rate auto insurance quote quit,become totally frustrated and resign themselves to paying the regular rate.
The Secret Of Low Cost Auto Insurance Quote!
It's really not that much of a secret it just gets lost in all the "noise" from the myths above. The only ones who have the authority to give you a low cost auto quote are the local agents in your area and they give that low quote only when they are forced to.
Force An Agent To Give A Low Quote!
Here is how to get that agent to think competitively. Sharp agents like to compete especially against other sharp agents. They might be best friends on the golf course but get them competing for your business and they "take no prisoners". They need your policy - they like to win.
Auto insurance agents get paid two ways. They get a commission on the policy they sell you and they get paid a bonus commission for every policy they write for the month at the end of the month. The more they sell the more they receive in the bonus.
Bonus money is what they look forward to every month. They will sell policies at little or no profit just to add to their end of the month policy count. And this is where you get that low cost car insurance we have been talking about.

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